In this part of the tutorial we learn how to navigate through the scene and to use shortcuts that can save you time.
Navigating through the AngryBots scene
While we have looked at the main views available in Unity, we will now get familiar with navigating through a scene using the project AngryBots.; you can download this project through the Assets Store window as follows:
- Open the Asset Store window (CTRL + 9).
- Type the text “angry bots complete project tutorial unity” in the search window (i.e., top-right corner)
- This should return at least two results.
Figure 17: Accessing the Asset Store
- Select the second result, this should display the following window:
Figure 18: Downloading the AngryBots project
- Press the button labeled Download. As you press this button, Unity will ask you to login using the email and password provided earlier.
- Once you have entered these details and logged in, we can press the Download button again.
At this stage, because this project was created with a previous version of Unity (4.x), Unity indicates that there could be some incompatibilities with the current version.
Figure 19: Compatibility window
- Press Accept and agree to the terms of services.
- The download button should now display “Please wait” as the project is downloading.
- When the project has downloaded, a window labeled Importing Packages will appear
Figure 20: Importing Assets for the Angry Bots project
- Click on the button Import
Once you have this project, we can now do the following (3 to 4 minutes):
- In the project window, look for all scenes available in the project by entering the keywords “t:scene” and press Return; this should display four scenes as described in the next figure.
Figure 21: Scenes available in the Angry Bots project
- We can then double click on the scene labeled AngryBots and it should open accordingly.
- When the scene is open you may need to zoom in (i.e., using mouse wheel or ALT+CTRL + drag and drop) within the scene window.
- Once you have zoomed-in enough, you should see an overview of the AngryBot Island, as illustrated on the next screenshot.
- You may pan the view to look around by pressing Q on the keyboard, then the alt key and drag and dropping the mouse within the scene view.
- At this stage we can see that this is a rather complex model, and we will only focus on the player for the time being.
- To do so, lets look at the hierarchy window; it should look as follows:
Figure 22: Objects’ hierarchy in the AngryBots scene
- As we can see, several objects are grouped in folders (i.e., black triangles to the left), and we can also see the folder called Player. Let’s focus the view on the player by double clicking on the corresponding label in the hierarchy view. The view should now look as follows:
Figure 23: Navigating the AngryBots scene (focusing on the player)
- The player is now in the center of the view. To see it more clearly, we can zoom-in (mouse wheel or CTRL + drag and drop) and look at it from different angles (ALT + drag and drop) as demonstrated in the next figure.
Figure 24: Navigating the AngryBots scene
Once you feel comfortable with these controls (i.e.,zooming and rotating around objects), you can navigate the scene and use other shortcuts as follows:
- Navigate the scene using some of the shortcuts and navigation modes described earlier (e.g., walk or fly; see Table 1).
- Switch from the WASD mode to Fly Mode (i.e., by pressing the Right-Mouse Button).
- Select some of the objects present in the scene (i.e., click once or twice on these) and inspect their attributes in the inspector window.
- Try to look at the scene from different axes (i.e., x, y, and z) by clicking on one of the arms or labels of the gizmo.
- Note that, any time if you wish to undo an action (e.g., moving or resizing an object) you can do so by pressing CTRL+Z, as you would do on most software or by selecting Edit | Undo.
Once you feel comfortable with this navigation, it is time to play the scene by pressing either CTRL+P or by clicking on the Play button, a black triangle located at the top of the window.
Note that you can maximize the window if need be, so that it occupies the entire screen, either before the game starts or during play. This makes it possible to view your game more clearly.
To maximize the window only when the game/scene is played, you can click on the tab labeled Maximize on Play located at the top right corner of the window (this can be cancelled by clicking again on the same tab).
To minimize/maximize the window at any other time, you can simply click on the list located at the top right corner of the window.