Unity from Zero to Proficiency is Updated for Unity 2022

Hi there,

Just a quick update to let you know that the book Unity from Zero to Proficiency (Foundations) has been updated:

  • All screen-shots and explanations have been updated to be fully compatible with Unity 2022
    The Standard Asset project used has been updated to be full fully compatible with Unity 2022
  • For those of you who want to get started with 2D easily, the standard assets also include 2D assets (sprites, animations, etc) that you can use to move your 2D animated character.

You can get your free update by refreshing your Kindle reader using these steps:

If you have downloaded the book from my site (pdf) then just send me an email with your receipt, and full name, and I will send you the updated book ASAP.


That’s it

Chat soon


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