Affiliate Programme

As an affiliate, you will be able to recommend my books to your friends and family and to earn 30% o the book’s price that you have recommended when they buy it from my site. As an affiliate, you don’t have to pay any fee, as it is totally FREE to become an affiliate for my books.

if you’d like to become an affiliate for my book, you just need to follow these 5 steps:

  1. Follow this link to create your affiliate account. You will be asked to sign-up to e-junkie, te platform that I use to sell my books, by creating a free account.
  2. You will then receive an activation code, that you will need to use to confirm your email address.
  3. Once the confirmation is issued, you can open your affiliate account, go to the tab called  Affiliate Admin, then select the affiliate programme from the drop d menu called Learn to Create Games.
  4.  One this is done, you can copy the “URL hop link” displayed on the page and give it to anyone you’d like to recommend my books to.
  5. You can also select the menu Edit Profile to set-up your PayPal address so that you can be paid through Paypal every month.

That’s it!